This year is already a terrible year for illegal killing of peregrine falcons.  Sometimes we are told that we exagerrate the scale of illegal killing of birds of prey, but given the fact that such activity is totally illegal, so that the perpetrators aren't advertising their crimes, I'm sometimes surprised by how many records come our way.  Wow!

Among the incidents reported to the RSPB this year are:

Shooting: A dead peregrine was found peppered with shot in the Forest of Dean. An x-ray revealed the bird, a seven-year-old female, had been blasted at close range with a shotgun.

Poisoning: A female peregrine and her chick were found dead on their nest near Sunderland next to the body of a pigeon, which police suspect was poisoned bait used to kill the peregrine family. Samples have been sent for testing.

In Walsall, a racing pigeon was found with a pill capsule taped to its leg. A tip-off that some pigeon fanciers in the area were targeting peregrines led to the capsule being sent for tests. Results showed it had been filled with the banned pesticide Aldicarb.

Since April, three pigeons have been found tethered to the ground near a peregrine site in Cumbria. It is suspected the birds had been laced with poison in an attempt to kill the peregrines. Samples have been sent for testing.

Trapping: A peregrine crash landed in a back garden near Litchfield in Staffordshire with its leg caught in a spring trap. It later died of its injuries. A search of nearby quarries by RSPB officers found three more traps on a ledge used by peregrines.

Nest robberies: All five chicks were stolen from a peregrine nest site near Mansfield within a week of them hatching. It is the fourth year in a row the nest has failed.

These acts are barbarous crimes.  Please pledge your support for our campaign to stop the illegal killing of birds of prey. You'll be joining over 116,000 people who have already pledged their support.  I'd like to think we could get to 200,000 this year - will you help please?

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