James Delingpole suggests potting a few of the most gorgeous (and protected) birds in the country.  And he has the RSPB in his line of fire too!

What do you think?



A love of the natural world demonstrates that a person is a cultured inhabitant of planet Earth.

  • Hi bordercollie apologies for misunderstanding.Your son has my admiration and many more like him.

    Thank you Mark got off the subject a bit there.

    Wonder if it is true see reported elsewhere that 70% of Kestrel deaths may be due to picking up rats etc killed with poison.

  • Hi bordercollie apologies for misunderstanding.Your son has my admiration and many more like him.

    Thank you Mark got off the subject a bit there.

    Wonder if it is true see reported elsewhere that 70% of Kestrel deaths may be due to picking up rats etc killed with poison.

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