James Delingpole suggests potting a few of the most gorgeous (and protected) birds in the country.  And he has the RSPB in his line of fire too!

What do you think?



A love of the natural world demonstrates that a person is a cultured inhabitant of planet Earth.

  • No worries Sooty.

    I'm as patriot as the next person, but it does't prevent me from acknowledging & admiring the achievements of other nations. Recently Spain, amogst other things, as not only shown the world how to play sexy football, but its demonstrated that it will not tolerate someone poisoning its iconic species.

  • No worries Sooty.

    I'm as patriot as the next person, but it does't prevent me from acknowledging & admiring the achievements of other nations. Recently Spain, amogst other things, as not only shown the world how to play sexy football, but its demonstrated that it will not tolerate someone poisoning its iconic species.

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