James Delingpole suggests potting a few of the most gorgeous (and protected) birds in the country.  And he has the RSPB in his line of fire too!

What do you think?



A love of the natural world demonstrates that a person is a cultured inhabitant of planet Earth.

  • Hi bordercollie suspect you are strictly correct but how you comment it perhaps comes over as if RSPB and the rest of us do not care that much.Think you would find that we all desperately wish that the culprits could be caught and punished but as Mark points out lots of different parts want RSPB to do more and only a certain amount of money to go round.Maybe even only the police can do the investigating.If only it were as easy as your comments make it sound but underneath I think you know how difficult it is to catch them and get a conviction that would hurt and the jails are so full it is unfortunately not going to happen.Assure you almost all of us feel as frustrated as you.

  • Hi bordercollie suspect you are strictly correct but how you comment it perhaps comes over as if RSPB and the rest of us do not care that much.Think you would find that we all desperately wish that the culprits could be caught and punished but as Mark points out lots of different parts want RSPB to do more and only a certain amount of money to go round.Maybe even only the police can do the investigating.If only it were as easy as your comments make it sound but underneath I think you know how difficult it is to catch them and get a conviction that would hurt and the jails are so full it is unfortunately not going to happen.Assure you almost all of us feel as frustrated as you.

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