Given the media contacts we've had over the last few days I am fairly sure that you will see the RSPB mentioned in the weekend papers on Saturday and Sunday.  Some mentions will be favourable and some unfavourable.

Think I'll go out for a walk and see some birds before I read the papers.

The rugby was good last night.  The land of my father beat the land of my mother.

A love of the natural world demonstrates that a person is a cultured inhabitant of planet Earth.

  • Redkite.   Totally agree.  The RSPB has such a range of issues arising from its work that someone will always find something to criticise.

    Mark.  "The land of my father beat the land of my mother".  That's one problem of coming from Bristol.  The other side of Severn was the same, I would visit an English relative one day and a Welsh one the next. Only 10 miles apart but they spoke in an entirely different accent; I never understand how that works.

  • Redkite.   Totally agree.  The RSPB has such a range of issues arising from its work that someone will always find something to criticise.

    Mark.  "The land of my father beat the land of my mother".  That's one problem of coming from Bristol.  The other side of Severn was the same, I would visit an English relative one day and a Welsh one the next. Only 10 miles apart but they spoke in an entirely different accent; I never understand how that works.

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