Yesterday afternoon we held a Parliamentary reception with the Minerals Products Association.  This celebrated the good work that a growing number of mineral extraction companies are doing to create wildlife-rich sites after they have dug big holes in the ground.

The Minister, Richard Benyon, was present and was given a bit of a poke by industry about the loss of the Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund (see earlier blog).

But I can't have a go at the Minister as he described this blog as 'very readable'.  And he'd noticed that I said some nice things about him recently - but also noted that I don't always.  This is the second time I've heard Mr Benyon mention reading this blog so I do believe he really does.

So, Sooty, redkite, BobPhilpott, nightjar, jockyshield and others you are in good company!  Although wouldn't it be funny if one of you were Mr Benyon?  Sooty - it isn't you is it?

A love of the natural world demonstrates that a person is a cultured inhabitant of planet Earth.

  • EcoStudent -----what thoughtful comments and while I disagree with just a small amount of what you say you have stated a very good case for your opinions and it is good to have different ones on here.Badgers ,cattle and cattle owners are all innocent victims tied up in a web until someone bites the bullet and sorts it out,at the moment all of those are only suffering more the longer any delay on doing something to cure the problem takes.

    P. S. I think you will soon find yourself in employment.  

  • EcoStudent -----what thoughtful comments and while I disagree with just a small amount of what you say you have stated a very good case for your opinions and it is good to have different ones on here.Badgers ,cattle and cattle owners are all innocent victims tied up in a web until someone bites the bullet and sorts it out,at the moment all of those are only suffering more the longer any delay on doing something to cure the problem takes.

    P. S. I think you will soon find yourself in employment.  

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