Yesterday afternoon we held a Parliamentary reception with the Minerals Products Association.  This celebrated the good work that a growing number of mineral extraction companies are doing to create wildlife-rich sites after they have dug big holes in the ground.

The Minister, Richard Benyon, was present and was given a bit of a poke by industry about the loss of the Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund (see earlier blog).

But I can't have a go at the Minister as he described this blog as 'very readable'.  And he'd noticed that I said some nice things about him recently - but also noted that I don't always.  This is the second time I've heard Mr Benyon mention reading this blog so I do believe he really does.

So, Sooty, redkite, BobPhilpott, nightjar, jockyshield and others you are in good company!  Although wouldn't it be funny if one of you were Mr Benyon?  Sooty - it isn't you is it?

A love of the natural world demonstrates that a person is a cultured inhabitant of planet Earth.

  • Hi Eco Student

    You may have missed it but the RSPB used to be all about birds – but now it purports to be all about “Nature” and looks towards the Farming industry to support the RSPB's aims.

    The RSPB wants bird-friendly and nature-friendly farming – that’s fine!

    But when Nature bites back in the form of Bovine TB and the RSPB actively frustrates the resolution of the problem the farmer gets a bit irritated and speaking as a cattle owner – I have fallen out with the likes of the RSPB because it not prepared to constructively address the problem.

    Thus we have an organisation "led" by Loony Left do-gooders pushing ‘birds’ and wanting farming’s help

    Believe me – as far as I’m concerned the RSPB can go hang for all the good that it does – a little reserve here – a little reserve there – let’s get a Farm (Arable) and show how it should / could be done!

    ! Million members - 0a vast marketing budget – and all for very little return.

    It’s no wonder that the current Conservation Director is moving on – he’s seen the light.

    RSPB – it’s time for you all to have a very serious look at yourselves!

    Draw up an Eco ‘Balance Sheet’ – RSPB real contribution? – not a lot!

  • Hi Eco Student

    You may have missed it but the RSPB used to be all about birds – but now it purports to be all about “Nature” and looks towards the Farming industry to support the RSPB's aims.

    The RSPB wants bird-friendly and nature-friendly farming – that’s fine!

    But when Nature bites back in the form of Bovine TB and the RSPB actively frustrates the resolution of the problem the farmer gets a bit irritated and speaking as a cattle owner – I have fallen out with the likes of the RSPB because it not prepared to constructively address the problem.

    Thus we have an organisation "led" by Loony Left do-gooders pushing ‘birds’ and wanting farming’s help

    Believe me – as far as I’m concerned the RSPB can go hang for all the good that it does – a little reserve here – a little reserve there – let’s get a Farm (Arable) and show how it should / could be done!

    ! Million members - 0a vast marketing budget – and all for very little return.

    It’s no wonder that the current Conservation Director is moving on – he’s seen the light.

    RSPB – it’s time for you all to have a very serious look at yourselves!

    Draw up an Eco ‘Balance Sheet’ – RSPB real contribution? – not a lot!

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