It's not often that the RSPB is featured in the Sun, but when a star as big as Leonardo DiCaprio shows a keen interest in peregrine falcons and signs our bird of prey pledge then we are!  DiCaprio visited our peregrine viewing scheme at Tate Modern this week.  Usually the peregrines are the stars!

Another golden eagle has been found poisoned in Scotland.  This cowardly, cruel and illegal wildlife murder must stop!

 The One Show on BBC TV on Monday (7pm) will feature work by Natural England and the RSPB on hen harriers in the Forest of Bowland - the English 'stronghold' for this much persecuted bird of prey.

A love of the natural world demonstrates that a person is a cultured inhabitant of planet Earth.

  • Mark - your Mull office first alerted us to the poisonings of sea-eagles, golden eagles, buzzards, etc and then to this programme tonight. Alma will not have died in vain if the publicity results in EFFECTIVE outrage at such barbarism. Perhaps tbe RSPB could get Simon Barnes involved re Alma and the poisoning? You will know that he is not only an award-winning sports columnist at the Times, but also a wonderful wildlife columnist and, particularly, ornithologist. Is there a publicity officer at the RSPB who could contact him? I don't think the Times has reported it yet, unlike various Scottish papers as well as the Guardian and the Telegraph. The more public outrage the better and the more people who will write to politicians for support against this modern-day 'persecution mentality.'  Thanks if you will pass this on. These magnificent birds deserve every little help that any of us can give.

  • The One Show has now switched the harrier piece to Friday - we'll all have to be patient!

    A love of the natural world demonstrates that a person is a cultured inhabitant of planet Earth.