I've been at the CLA Game Fair today - always an interesting event!

I met lots of old friends and some people I wouldn't exactly class as friends but are quite interesting.

We had a small reception on our stand which was well attended - including two Defra Ministers, Mr Paice and Mr Benyon.  Our Chief Executive, Mike Clarke spoke about Futurescapes and the Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust's relatively new Chairman, Ian Coghill, made an excellent speech which majored on collaboration.  Ian would, himself, be a very easy person with whom to collaborate.

I was on a panel which was supposed to discuss whether the government's priority should be fox-hunting, badger culling  or bird conservation!It was a discussion about badgers!

Because the Minister Mr Paice was on the panel we learned quite a lot - I think I helped to tease out the information.  The government will consult in the autumn on the way forward.  This will include a review of the science and an approach which will, it seems, include some culling, some vaccination and some controls on cattle movements.  The costs of any culling will largely be met by the farming industry. 

I think the RSPB can welcome this approach.  This issue is very contentious - that much was clear in the room and each time I mention badgers on this blog.  To set out the thinking and the science must be a good idea.  I am sure that Mr Paice is keen to see some badger culling go ahead, but at least the government is sticking to its election manifesto pledge to be led by science (it seems) and at least there will be a consultation before a decision.  We await the consultation with interest.


A love of the natural world demonstrates that a person is a cultured inhabitant of planet Earth.

  • The BovineTB Blog has just posted an excellent article on “Healthy wildlife – Healthy Humans’ – of interest to all – but especially – I believe – to Mark as RSPB Conservation Director.


    The more Mark gets to know about and understand TB in Badgers & Cattle – the greater influence he / RSPB will have informing RSPB members (and other charities).


    This BovineTB blog entry has a picture of a hugely emaciated badger with tuberculous pleurisy. Did it 'suffer'? A veterinary pathologist says "it would be naive to assume that it did not". It is also naive to assume that prior to a very painful death, this badger did not share its burden of disease.

  • The BovineTB Blog has just posted an excellent article on “Healthy wildlife – Healthy Humans’ – of interest to all – but especially – I believe – to Mark as RSPB Conservation Director.


    The more Mark gets to know about and understand TB in Badgers & Cattle – the greater influence he / RSPB will have informing RSPB members (and other charities).


    This BovineTB blog entry has a picture of a hugely emaciated badger with tuberculous pleurisy. Did it 'suffer'? A veterinary pathologist says "it would be naive to assume that it did not". It is also naive to assume that prior to a very painful death, this badger did not share its burden of disease.

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