This is the area we are talking about when we talk about FC land.



And I see that FC has announced job cuts of 450 posts in England and Scotland today.



At the moment Mrs Spelman is in full flow in the debate in Parliament and is being highly critical of scaremongering and "ludicrous speculation in the media".

A love of the natural world demonstrates that a person is a cultured inhabitant of planet Earth.

  • Well Sooty the wealth has all gone on expensive housing for the 70% that vote as far as I can make out; speculation in the housing sector magnifies boom and bust amplified by a private rental sector that has lifted property out of reach of the First Time Buyer charging high rents to the Priced Out; a trillion mortgage debt etc etc; how many retired and not working are there ?

    To environmental matters; it was announced as a Forest Sell Off, it was not in any manifesto and unrestrained by all the sorts of proviso's that have now been entered into such as "charitable trusts" for Forests such as Dean and New Forest etc etc etc; if stories in the media are wildly speculative that is because the government has introduced a policy without any bones to it. It deserves them.

    It seems that the great Liberals such as Keynes and Beveridge are to be ignored by these "orange" pygmies while we head for another recession lashed to a monetarist mast such as Keith Joseph's in 1981-82 when the public borrowing requirement was greater still stripping our industrial base still further while the generation of self indulgence retires to its country residences.

    To the Sell Off; it is the 100 year historic settlement that has maintained the FC that suffers as a consequence and this Sell Off will cost money it appears; I still maintain that a set of "new coalition" quangoes sorry charities in these places is simply moving the goalposts; it would have been simpler to remove the economic duty on FC on agreed heathlands, uplands and agreed areas of Forests of Dean and New Forests retaining teams of experience and considerable expertise. Maybe we should have some clarity on new and old salaries here ?

    I would urge the debate to now move to the uplands where 50-80 years of investment, loved appropriate or not in sitka plantations is due to be felled. These should be sold off at market value and a debate had as to how these are replanted rendering as much timber with jobs in LFA's and environmental value; hopefully a side benefit of new tree diseases would seem to be reducing the value of forest monoculture.

    I would suggest Mark that you are sitting a bit too close and comfortable to this government. I can not see your comments re the inconsistancy re the delivery of the FC Sell Off as sufficiently robust and independent; why was this all not clarified in the manifesto ? Where is the Green Vision in this ?

    Peter Plover 

  • Well Sooty the wealth has all gone on expensive housing for the 70% that vote as far as I can make out; speculation in the housing sector magnifies boom and bust amplified by a private rental sector that has lifted property out of reach of the First Time Buyer charging high rents to the Priced Out; a trillion mortgage debt etc etc; how many retired and not working are there ?

    To environmental matters; it was announced as a Forest Sell Off, it was not in any manifesto and unrestrained by all the sorts of proviso's that have now been entered into such as "charitable trusts" for Forests such as Dean and New Forest etc etc etc; if stories in the media are wildly speculative that is because the government has introduced a policy without any bones to it. It deserves them.

    It seems that the great Liberals such as Keynes and Beveridge are to be ignored by these "orange" pygmies while we head for another recession lashed to a monetarist mast such as Keith Joseph's in 1981-82 when the public borrowing requirement was greater still stripping our industrial base still further while the generation of self indulgence retires to its country residences.

    To the Sell Off; it is the 100 year historic settlement that has maintained the FC that suffers as a consequence and this Sell Off will cost money it appears; I still maintain that a set of "new coalition" quangoes sorry charities in these places is simply moving the goalposts; it would have been simpler to remove the economic duty on FC on agreed heathlands, uplands and agreed areas of Forests of Dean and New Forests retaining teams of experience and considerable expertise. Maybe we should have some clarity on new and old salaries here ?

    I would urge the debate to now move to the uplands where 50-80 years of investment, loved appropriate or not in sitka plantations is due to be felled. These should be sold off at market value and a debate had as to how these are replanted rendering as much timber with jobs in LFA's and environmental value; hopefully a side benefit of new tree diseases would seem to be reducing the value of forest monoculture.

    I would suggest Mark that you are sitting a bit too close and comfortable to this government. I can not see your comments re the inconsistancy re the delivery of the FC Sell Off as sufficiently robust and independent; why was this all not clarified in the manifesto ? Where is the Green Vision in this ?

    Peter Plover 

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