I was sad to hear that a dead golden eagle has been found by walkers in Glen Orchy, Argyll. 

Poisoning is suspected but confirmation depends on analyses. 

Although we think of birds of prey as being powerful and tough (and they are!), they are incredibly vulnerable to poisons. 

And poisoning is a cowardly way to murder - the killer knows well what he (it usually is a he) is doing but doesn't look his victim in the eye, doesn't see the illness and pain he causes and may be sleeping soundly at home or playing with his children when death finally strikes his victim.  I do wonder at the mentality of a person who could put out poisons that cause such agony.

But maybe we'll find that this bird died of natural causes - after all, not even golden eagles are immortal.


A love of the natural world demonstrates that a person is a cultured inhabitant of planet Earth.