I hope you've enjoyed reading this blog over almost 2 years - over 700 blogs have been posted.  Does anyone claim to have read them all?  I doubt it.

I've enjoyed writing here enormously - sometimes it has been a bit tricky to fit in with the rest of my work and the rest of my life but it has been great.

And being the RSPB's Conservation Director has been fantastic - it's a great job in a great organisation.  As I said on the Today programme on Monday - everyone should be an RSPB member! 

My successor, Martin Harper, will be picking up the blog reins as well as everything else - I think he's very brave, as I had 10 years of the job under my belt before I started this blogging lark.  Good luck Martin - I'm sure you'll be great at the blogging and at everything else too. 

And trimbush, Jockeyshield, Sooty, mirlo, lazywell, nightjar, redkite, Stackyardgreen, Bob Philpott, miles, Gert Corfield and others - be nice please!  I wonder why I put you all in that order?

And a bit later today there will be a last blog which tells you how to keep in touch - if you want to.

A love of the natural world demonstrates that a person is a cultured inhabitant of planet Earth.

  • Received the RSPB magazine today and thought what a wonderful job they have done which for sure you have made a major contribution in approximately the last one hundred years.The benefits will be there for wildlife without doubt and lots of people will have better knowledge and be filled with the enthusiasm that you put over on wildlife.Perhaps after such responsible job you can have it a bit easier for a while and recharge your batteries.A whole new experience beckons and for sure lots of people will wish you well and I feel sure a new enjoyable phase begins.

    Goes without saying no one enjoyed your blog more than myself and do not think have missed one since finding your blog,best wishes for your new life.

  • Received the RSPB magazine today and thought what a wonderful job they have done which for sure you have made a major contribution in approximately the last one hundred years.The benefits will be there for wildlife without doubt and lots of people will have better knowledge and be filled with the enthusiasm that you put over on wildlife.Perhaps after such responsible job you can have it a bit easier for a while and recharge your batteries.A whole new experience beckons and for sure lots of people will wish you well and I feel sure a new enjoyable phase begins.

    Goes without saying no one enjoyed your blog more than myself and do not think have missed one since finding your blog,best wishes for your new life.

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