It's been great!  Thanks for everything.




And if you want to keep in touch with Mark Avery in the future then visit



Did I mention the book of the blog?

A love of the natural world demonstrates that a person is a cultured inhabitant of planet Earth.

  • It's beyond me why anyone who cares about our planet would not stand behind organisations like the RSPB, I suppose  there's a financial objective for those who don't or because they simply have adopted a position out of principle. We who care about the sentient creatures that we share our planet with salute those who stand with them. Maybe this comment is a bit over the top , but it's what it boils down to. Politics don't come in to it but a genuine concern and realisation for the state and future of environment do.

  • Mark,  I did email you as you know because I thought I wouldn't be here to say something on this occasion.  I am more than happy to repeat those comments here in public.  So best wishes for the future from both of us.  I am sure I will be in touch and am sure we will bump into you somewhere.  I have already signed up for the Mark Avery newsletter.  

  • For what is a man what has he got

    If not himself then he has not

    To say the things he truly feels

    And not the words of one who kneels

    The record shows I took the blows

    And did it my way

    Yes it was my way

  • Thanks so much for all your hard work and brilliant work for the RSPB, Mark including this blog. Your blog has been a pleasure and very worthwhile. You will be very widely missed. All the very best in whatever you choose to do. I gather from my RSPB colleagues you are going birding across the USA as a start, so enjoy that. Maybe I might bump into you at the Bird Fair in August?

    Good luck.


  • Hope you enjoy your trip Mark and will keep in touch.