If you have enjoyed reading this blog - and I do hope that you have - then you may be interested in buying the book of the blog!
Blogging for Nature is not available through any good bookshops - the only way to purchase it is through a website which you can find by clicking here.
A snip at £9.92 (+P&P) this book contains 143 of 700+ blogs which have appeared here over the last couple of years.
The book also contains hints and thoughts on how to blog and comments on the blog from a number of regular commenters here (eg Stackyard Green, nightjar, redkite and Sooty).
Blogging for Nature has a very kind Foreword written by the former Secretary of State for Defra the Rt Hon Hilary Benn MP.
And, if you buy the book you will discover Sooty's real name.
277 pages which cover; the change to a coalition government, the recent breeding of red-backed shrikes and little bitterns, hen harrier persecution, thoughts from the Bird Fair, Game Fair and political Party Conferences, news from Hope Farm, the forestry debate, eagle owls, our Bird of Prey Pledge, Letter to the Future, the odd mention of Rushden and Diamonds FC, RSPB nature reserves, predator control, farming and farmland birds and so much more.
Thank you to the RSPB for agreeing to me publishing this book.
A love of the natural world demonstrates that a person is a cultured inhabitant of planet Earth.
Mark - thanks for a great blog. I will miss it (have ordered the book though!). It's fair to say that you have tackled some controversial subjects and thanks for doing so. Inevitably this brings out some pointed reactions from people, but then I guess that's the point! I hope this blog continues in another form elsewhere - maybe you'll create your own blog site?
Best wishes for the future
Mark – you state - “I don't think you are right on the science of badger culling”.
So it is with ‘reluctant regret’ that I have to say you the following:-
• How dare you speak publicly on such a complex and important issue - knowing that you occupy a responsible position and that many readers will believe that you are (always) correct in your opinion(s)?
• You’ve already demonstrated your lack of scientific knowledge in respect of badgers, cattle and tuberculosis by admitting that it was necessary to read the recently published ‘Badger’ book to get you up to speed on the last 10+ years
• I know that your (and the RSPB’s) irresponsible utterances on this subject has done much harm to both farming and the fantastic and fascinating species we refer to as ‘Badger’
• It was a sad day when you stopped thinking like an independent and responsible scientist
That is funny trimbush ref farmer and Bustard would be funny if Mark did it deliberately.
Think I see lots of your points about Badgers but perhaps farmers who lose animals to B T B and in effect almost ruined by not being able to sell animals only for slaughter which quite often is not practical if you are rearing them,they are obviously emotionally involved.
Following on think Marks last comment may be one of his best and at risk of upsetting you think it really good advice.He has certainly shown good grace considering how blunt you have been with him.
Always considered myself extremely lucky to have had clean badgers on the farm all the time we were farming and they gave the whole family lots of pleasure but also have tremendous sympathy with farmers with B T B problems.
Trimbush, you really must read these articles. That article you refer to mentions how the badgter population increased but has stabilised in recent years. Certainly no mention of exploding population. Thank you for referring us to the article. Clearly a well thought out and long term research project in an area that has long had research projects on badgers, as this was one of the areas that Ernest Neal where active.
The Cotswold Water park sightings website
My Flicker page
trimbush - there's no excuse for demonising wild animals. I don't think you are right on the science of badger culling but even if you are then you will put many people off through your apparent enthusiasm and delight for killing badgers. Try 'reluctant regret' would be my advice.