Last month a team of East Scotland Sea Eagles volunteers went on a training weekend to Mull to learn all about nesting eagles and nest protection. With east of Scotland released birds now beginning to settle, and after the success of last year’s nest, it’s important we all learnt what to look for and how to protect them as best we can for the future. Thanks to funding from Heritage Lottery Fund, we were able to take six volunteers to Mull for this very “specialist” training! RSPB’s Mull Officer, Dave Sexton, very kindly gave up his weekend to share his knowledge and expertise with us to help us prepare for nesting eagles in the east! We even got a pre-season and behind the scenes look at the 5 star Mull Eagle Hide. Maybe something we can aspire to in the future? Thanks Dave for all of your help!

The volunteers are currently busy putting their new skills into practice! There will be more on this shortly!

  • Thanks Karen! Mull is a wonderful place. Very interesting about the grey tagged bird seen on Skye! Would you be able to email me with more detail about that please? Thanks! :-)

  • Hope the East Coasters do well this year, have everything crossed for them. I loved Mull, an eagle around every corner, even if Fingal and Iona were hiding every time I went down there. By the way, yesterday I saw a photo taken on Skye last week of a youngster, can clearly see grey wing tags, someone's notching up some miles :)

    ~ Karen ~
    Pet & Widlife Artist living in southern Perthshire. A self confessed White-Tailed Eagle-holic!