Last week, Scottish Natural Heritage hosted their Species Action Framework conference in the Royal Botanic Gardens in Edinburgh to celebrate the end of their five year programme of species work that they have supported. The East Scotland Sea Eagle project was funded through the Species Action Framework, and a presentation was given at the conference outlining the work that has been done and about the future of the project.

During a reception on Thursday evening, Alv Ottar Folkestad of the Norwegian Ornithological Society was awarded for his outstanding contribution to the East Scotland Sea Eagle project. Alv Ottar has been involved in sea eagle work in Norway for 40 years and has been coordinating the collection of Norwegian sea eagle chicks for the east coast release and has been instrumental to the success of the project. Paul Wheelhouse, the Minister for  Environment and Climate Change presented Alv Ottar with the award.

Congratulations Alv Ottar!