Blogger: Laura White, PA to Public Affairs Management Team

I'm one in a million voices but I don't want to be out in the field

Don't want to watch bitterns feeding on fish, spot redshanks, wigeon or teals.

I don't want to spend time on a small boat giant waves lashing about

Just to add weights to a fishing line to give the albatrosses a shout

I don't want to march through the streets waving my banner high in the air

Shouting at the top of my voice to a world not seeming to care

But I am one in a million voices and I want to do all I can

To save a dying planet from the ravenous greed of man

So I work every day in the office safely ensconced behind my large desk

But my work supports colleagues doing all of the above, we are simply the best!

Be one in a million now at