Shakespeare's Sonnet 18 is one of his most moving and poignant poems. The sonnet explores the themes of loss and change - the speaker tries to stave off the inevitable loss of the object of his affection, but there's an underlying uneasiness and sadness, a sense that written lines will only ever be a poor substitute for the real thing.

Could there be a more fitting poem to get us thinking about climate change around Valentine's Day? This week I want to Show the love for wildlife and nature, the things I cherish most but that could be lost to climate change. I want to keep seeing them in the wild, in the flesh, rather than watch them be condemned to the pages of history books, much like Shakespeare feared would happen.

Here is that wonderful Sonnet, brought to you by some of the UK's leading voices, including Stephen Fry, who are all showing their love for the climate. Oh and there's a funny bit at the end with Jarvis Cocker.

If you want to get involved and Show the love for the climate this week, go here, or Give your love using this e-action.

If you want to share with us what you love and want to see protected from climate change, post a comment at the bottom of this blog.

Matt Williams, Assistant Warden, RSPB Snape.

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