The Easter holidays are coming to a close. All that remains of the chocolate egg that I treated myself to are a few, disappointing crumbs staring at me from their foil nest every time I open the cupboard.

This slight twinge of sadness I feel every time I rummage for rice or stock cubes is, for me, symbolic of a more underlying malaise about the future of our Easter eggs.

When I normally write about climate change I talk about a future bereft of many of the birds that are iconic of the UK countryside. But today, I’m bringing to you the sad story of a future without chocolate.

Our friends at The Climate Coalition have made this useful video to illustrate how such a future might look and feel.

Temperature rises as a result of climate change in Cote d'Ivoire and Ghana could wreck cocoa harvests and send chocolate prices soaring, threatening our future supplies of chocolate.

If you, like me, love chocolate and don’t want to see it threatened by climate change, you might want to speak up about this.

As a belated Easter present for you, we’ve created a page where you can now sign up to come along on 17 June to Speak Up For The Love Of. This will be the largest ever climate event at Parliament, and your chance to tell new MPs that you want them to take action on climate change.

Sign up here.

Matt Williams, Assistant Warden, RSPB Snape.