In response to the Prime Minister’s speech to the UN Climate Summit, Martin Harper, Director of Conservation at the RSPB said:

“Climate change is happening and is already putting pressure on wildlife across the world – from the coral reefs to the uplands of the United Kingdom. Unless leaders take serious and urgent action to put global emissions on a downward trend we will be facing widespread extinctions.”

“Today’s summit must be the catalyst of the bold action on climate change we and the wildlife we share this planet with all desperately need”

“I welcome the Prime Minister’s participation in the Summit and his recognition of the enormity of the threat posed by climate change, and of the need for a binding global deal in Paris by the end of next year that would keep the global temperature rise to below 2 degrees Celsius. Of particular importance was David Cameron’s commitment to ensuring the EU agrees a climate target of a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by at least 40% 2030. This is the absolute minimum if Europe is to continue to lead the way to a global climate deal by the end of next year”

“We will be looking to the Prime Minister to build on today’s Summit and to show serious leadership on climate change at home and on the international stage. His first test will a critical European Council meeting this Autumn at which EU leaders will decide on future climate targets.”

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