My boss, Martin Harper, RSPB Conservation Director, has already blogged about what the new Government could mean for our wildlife.

The dust is still settling and many questions remain unanswered, but we can be sure that one of the biggest challenges for the Government (and for wildlife) will be climate change.

Fortunately the new Government is committed to lowering our emissions in line with our domestic and international commitments. It might feel like a hazy and distant memory but, as Greg Barker (former Conservative Climate Minister) has reminded us today, David Cameron made an important pledge on climate change only a few short weeks ago. In this pledge, coordinated by Green Alliance against the backdrop of The Climate Coalition’s Show the love campaign, our Prime Minister (and the other main party leaders) committed to strong domestic and international action on climate change if re-elected. We strongly welcome that commitment.

On June 17, thousands of us will be joining The Climate Coalition in London for Speak Up For The Love Of, the largest ever climate change lobby of Parliament, to call on this new Government to live up to that pledge and to go beyond it.

You can sign up and find out more here.

Matt Williams, Assistant Warden, RSPB Snape.

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