Our children and our children’s children. How often that phrase gets re-cycled as an often-lazy way of talking about the long-term implications of decisions, both good and bad. We want the special places we save and protect to be there for those future generations (I’m also keen for them to be there for me too!)
I’ve been a bit more careful about trotting this out since becoming a Dad. But on Saturday 5 December, this particular cliché will have its day. I’m not normally found pacing the streets of London in December – but I will be with my family at The Wave. It’s our chance to send a signal to our politicians on the eve of the Copenhagen summit – you can find out more here. We’ve launched a climate change blog in the run-up to Copenhagen which you can find here.
The outcome from Copenhagen will affect all our futures – Jack (aged 5, pictured) has a lot of future and I want him to be able to look back at this defining moment and know that we made a difference.
He’s already a veteran campaigner – he’s holding a picture of him taking part in the Stop Climate Chaos rally in 2006. Since then we have seen the passing into law of a Climate Act with binding and meaningful targets and there is a real chance that the UK can play a leading and significant role in Copenhagen.
So, Jack’s back – and he hopes to see you all at The Wave.