The song of the shingle

Years of campaigning, meetings, letter-writing e-mailing, more meetings, press interest, talking to people and worry, have come down to this – the start of the Lydd airport extension public inquiry.

From Tuesday 15 February, when the public inquiry opens (and then rapidly adjourns for site visits).  Alongside many others, we have campaigned long and hard for this public inquiry – to enable the issues to be explored fairly and openly.  Clearly, we believe we have a strong case and our team will be presenting it, and defending it, throughout the coming weeks.  If you stepped up for Dungeness and helped to campaign for the public inquiry - thank you, now the tough talking begins.

I’ll be there on Tuesday and will kick off regular updates from both the public inquiry and our Dungeness nature reserve as winter gives way to spring.  The serious business of the inquiry will start on 22 February and will continue, on and off throughout the spring.

Devilish details hidden in the Forests

A few days ago, I shared my experience of a wood I know in Kent, here’s some more coverage of the wildlife value hidden away in woods deemed ‘small commercial’.  You can keep up with the latest RSPB reaction to forests in the news, here, on Mark Avery’s blog.

And as it’s nearly Valentine’s Day – it’s certainly time to love nature, here’s Jack enjoying getting up close to a lady orchid (one of those hidden gems tucked away in the woods in Kent).

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