Tomorrow sees the public inquiry into plans extend Lydd Airport and potentially boost passenger numbers to 2m a year (they are currently under 1000) really get under way. We’re appearing at the inquiry giving evidence to back up our long-held objection to this proposal. The inquiry opened last week and then adjourned so that the inspector, Mr Ken Barton, could go on a series of site visits. Tomorrow the serious business starts – I’m on holiday this week so we’ll have some guest blogging.
Here’s a catch up on some of the reporting of the preliminaries (I don’t pretend it’s comprehensive and I would encourage you to follow the story up if you want to read or listen to every word).
The opening was widely reported on BBC, Meridian and in local print and online media. The Independent carried a double page spread on the morning of the inquiry’s opening.
Most of the coverage in the week following was repeating the opening positions covered last Tuesday – but the Guardian has picked up on the risk of nuclear accident as an important theme in the inquiry – and one that the Lydd Airport Action Group (LAAG) will major on.
Inevitably, angles develop in stories – here’s one ‘revealing’ that the aforementioned LAAG has been raising funds! Putting across a well-reasoned argument at a public inquiry needs resources – let alone running the campaign that led to this point. ‘Local campaign wins backing’ would be another way of looking at it.
Feels like the mix of local and national stories (not to mention the odd potty one) is positioning this inquiry in the public eye – not surprising, the issues are serious and the interest in the eventual outcome will be considerable. Meanwhile, you can keep up with the wildlife news from our Dungeness nature reserve.
Dungeness with birds, nuclear power station in the background.
It was high tide on the Dee Estuary last weekend – and it looks like the wildlife spectacle didn’t disappoint. When really high tides inundate the saltmarsh everything heads for higher ground and crowds were able to enjoy the event from Wirral’s Parkgate - the story made it on to the BBC.
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