I’ve asked the question and if you’re reading this blog, and have opened this post the answer is probably yes.

It matters to many people, not just here but across the European Union – here’s a recent survey of 22,000 people across Europe 95% of whom said that it mattered to them.

We have a new President of the Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, we have a new Environment Commissioner (designate), Karmenu Vella and we have a profound sense that protecting Europe’s amazing wild places and special wildlife is not close to being at the top of their agenda. Mr Vella has an early priority to put forward a convincing argument that Europe’s natural world and the EU’s creditable record of protecting it are safe on his watch.

Karmenu Vella - Will be the new Environment Commissioner if ratified by the European Parliament

Growth and deregulation are the priorities of the new Commission – that much is clear. From the founding of the Common Market the recognition that economic advantage must not be at the cost of trashing the environment has been fundamental in developing progressive and effective legislation – the need is now greater than ever.

In a few days time, Members of European Parliament will have the chance to challenge and question the mandates for the new Commissioners, including Mr Vella. Our MEPs need to ask the right questions and get clear answers – we’ve set out our views in the letter sent, today, from our chief executive, Mike Clarke (attached as a pdf).

If you are concerned that the EU isn’t taking the environment seriously enough you can raise it directly with your MEPs and ask them to ensure the right questions are asked (you can take your lead from Mike’s letter).

You can find out who they are and contact them through this link

... not convinced of the need to act now?

Here’s what others are saying.

A group of leading environmental organisations working in the EU – the Green 10

Martin Harper – our conservation director.

Matt Shardlow, chief executive of BugLife

Time is short and there is an urgent need to ensure that strengthen, not weaken, nature conservation legislation and the role of the Environment Commissioner in the face of growing threats to our natural world.

Follow me on twitter.

MEP letter from MJC.pdf
  • It seems convincing that nature is to be given the priority it deserves. If humans, in general, do not accept the plight of our natural resource, we are set for an accelerated rush to disaster. Birds,bees and all other flora and fauna have a precious place on this earth, each serving a purpose to mankind, each depending on each other. We, humans, know this yet the arrogance of the few are set to create risk to all our future prosperity.

    Let us all accept our place in the environment and show nature the respect it deserves.

    Here's hoping.  

    If man is to succeed in this World, we must respect the other life on the planet. To fail will, eventually, cost us dearly. Man's greed will degrade every aspect of our lives. IF WE LET IT.
  • It seems convincing that nature is to be given the priority it deserves. If humans, in general, do not accept the plight of our natural resource, we are set for an accelerated rush to disaster. Birds,bees and all other flora and fauna have a precious place on this earth, each serving a purpose to mankind, each depending on each other. We, humans, know this yet the arrogance of the few are set to create risk to all our future prosperity.

    Let us all accept our place in the environment and show nature the respect it deserves.

    Here's hoping.  

    If man is to succeed in this World, we must respect the other life on the planet. To fail will, eventually, cost us dearly. Man's greed will degrade every aspect of our lives. IF WE LET IT.
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