In any analysis of the really, really important environmental issues facing the world there’s one that always tops the list – the need to keep tropical forests standing. Given that is probably one of the most obvious statements I’ve made for a while – I must say I’ve been a bit rubbish at covering the issue in the Saving Special Places blog. In my own defence, our Harapan Rainforest project in Sumatra does have its own blog, and I hope you are reader. Here’s the link.
One reason why I have great pleasure in being able to add Harapan to the tags at the bottom of this blog is that I was asked to contribute to our latest Nature’s Voice podcast – do have a listen here.
Amongst the many reasons that tropical forest survival is crucial to the future of the planet is the combination of the amazing wealth of life they support and the contribution healthy tropical forests bring to tackling climate change. So both in Sumatra and on the wider policy front the RSPB and our partners are currently very active – and up can help.
The work to restore Harapan is underway and our aim is to plant 1 million trees – together with 200 people from communities local to the forest, the work is underway, each tree costs £2 and that’s where you can help – find out how here.
Getting the right deal done in Cancun (the next big climate conference taking place in Mexico at the end of the month) to ensure tropical forests are protected is vital. The Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation in developing countries programme (REDD+ for short) is the way forward provided agreement can be reached. You can add your voice by contacting the UK’s Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change, Chris Huhne and urging him to do all he can to secure the deal – find out how here.
If you can help with either or both of these – thank you.
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