If your new year’s resolution is to give back, make friends or get fit, you should think about becoming a volunteer – but where do you start? What sort of volunteer do you want to be?

Why not try our fun quiz below to find out which volunteering role would best suit you?

1). On a typical Saturday afternoon you are most likely to be:

a). Walking to your favourite beauty spot

b). Catching up with friends

c). Cutting the grass, building a fence – anything active that gets me out of the house


2). In a party or get together you are most likely to be:

a). The host, running around making sure everything is running smoothly

b). Chatting to as many people as possible

c). Helping to rebuild the broken table


3). What is your favourite past time?

a). Counting and watching the different birds in your garden

b). Meeting new people and discussing issues you are passionate about

c). Anything physical, preferably outdoors


4). Your ideal job would be:

a). An event organiser

b). An environmental campaigner

c). A nature reserve manager


5). Which animal best suits your personality:

a). A red squirrel

b). A dolphin

c). A greater spotted woodpecker


 Mostly "As" - Local Group Committee Member

Highly efficient and organised you regularly enjoy going for long walks with friends or listening to talks about wildlife, most of which you have organised yourself. Taking part in surveys and watching your garden birds are ideal past times for you. By joining a local group you could do all these things. You can help organise monthly walks and talks or take part in the surveys, while helping to conserve all kinds of wildlife.

If you would like to get involved check out our Local Groups pages on our website at http://www.rspb.org.uk/localgroups/ . All the current information is there and you can search for your nearest Local Group web page.

Image credit: Dave Braddock





 Mostly "Bs" - People Engagement Volunteer

Friendly, passionate and outgoing, you are at your best and happiest when surrounded by people discussing anything from the latest hot topics to the weather. Being a true people person, you will enjoy some people engagement volunteer opportunities. 

Take a look at our volunteering pages for roles like bucket collecting, membership recruitment and event management: www.rspb.org.uk/volunteering


Image: Andy Hay (rspb-images.com)







 Mostly "Cs" - Work Party / Reserve Volunteer

Practical, resourceful and full of handy hints and tips you’re the first person your friends call if they have a leak, broken fence, flat tyre, decorating emergency…. Combining your love for physical work with being outside could be the best stress buster for you. By helping the wardens at our reserves or getting involved with work parties you can do anything from scrub bashing and clearance, to coppicing, tree planting, or building footbridges, stiles or fences.

Check out our Residential Volunteering Scheme opportunities and Reserve Work Party roles at www.rspb.org.uk/volunteering


Image: Andy Hay (rspb-images.com)

Want to Volunteer? Ask me!