Credit: Andy Hay (

Andy Hay (

What's your new year's resolution?
By the time the last few Brussels have been eaten and we can’t stand the site of another mince pie, I am already struggling with my inner willpower to stick to my chosen promises for the new year (again!).
So this time round I’m picking things that will move me towards my goals in bite sized chunks, don’t take longer than 5 minutes and won’t take willpower of planetary proportions to help me achieve them! (is that cheating?)

So with that in mind here are my top 5 volunteering bite sized ways to get involved with the RSPB that won’t break the bank, put on weight or take up too much time!.. I know they will be on my list!

1. Sit down with a cup of tea
The world's largest wildlife survey takes place on 26-27 January 2013. Just one hour sat down with a hot cup of tea watching and counting the wildlife in my garden will help The RSPB – Perfect!

2. Write a letter
I’m not backwards in letting people know how I feel and just five minutes writing to my local MP will help remind Defra that they must take the next step and make a strong public statement that no licences will be issued to kill buzzards, or any other bird of prey, to protect game birds or other livestock. I can even do it by email – even better!

3. Keep my Christmas Card Stamps
I love getting Christmas cards and sending all my stamps to the RSPB can help towards each £50 needed to buy a tori-line (bird scaring device) for a longline fishing vessel. Each stamp has a small value, but in large quantities they're very valuable. Help International Wildlife? – Tick!

4. Shop!
Did you know that you can raise money for nature whilst doing your online shopping? Neither did I! You can raise money for the RSPB when you shop online. When you spend money online, retailers will give a donation to the RSPB and it costs you absolutely nothing! What more reason do you need to go shopping?

5. Go for a walk with my kids
The RSPB want me to Jump in puddles, kick up leaves, and listening to birds singing from the tops of trees? The kids will love that and it will help me to achieve ‘spend more time with kids’.... Kids – grab your coat!

Want to Volunteer? Ask me!