Don't fancy volunteering outdoors? There are plenty of roles for volunteers to help out in RSPB reserve cafes. We have reserves throughout the UK and we are always in need of extra help… in roles that you might not immediately associate with volunteering for the RSPB!

 There is always a need for bird experts or complete novices, for people looking to enhance their CVs and for people with a little bit of time on their hands.  So, whatever your age and experience, there is a role for you.

RSPB reserves with cafes are found throughout the UK and there is a wealth of opportunities to help. Our reserves need volunteers who can meet and greet visitors, serve tea and cakes, sell binoculars and telescopes, help with stocktaking and much more. 

So what do our existing volunteers think? Grace Salter who volunteered at Rainham Marshes says: “I just love everything about coming to Rainham Marshes, the people the place, it’s lovely! I enjoy doing things and meeting people and getting out and about. I love wildlife too and always have wildlife holidays so this combines my interest in wildlife and a chance to meet new friends.”

Chris Kent, Catering Development Manager, talks about exciting news about coffee in our cafes. “Out here in catering land we are poised, like a coiled spring at the dawn of an exciting new era in catering for the RSPB! We have 12 cafes around the country that are simply fabulous for the perfect punctuation to our visitor’s day out and about with nature.

You may not associate food with saving nature but you should! What food we choose to buy has a direct impact on the planet and what’s more every single penny of profit that we make in our cafes  is ploughed straight back into our amazing conservation work.

Soon we will have our own brand of coffee across all of the business, this will be available in our cafes and shops, online and eventually in your local supermarket, what’s really exciting about this coffee is that it is particularly helpful to Mother Nature and all wildlife.

Why’s this?! I hear you ask... well, I’ll tell you!  This is because it has been grown in the shade rather than the traditional environment for coffee growing the “sun farm” or “eco desert” as it is referred to in conservation circles, nothing else can really survive here apart from the coffee plants themselves. Coffee grown the shade under the natural tree canopy plays a key role in the conservation of migratory birds, which find a sanctuary in their forest-like environment. The RSPB are the first to import, roast and serve it in our cafes!

So come and volunteer at one of our cafes and you could become part of the next chapter in the UK coffee revolution! Our cafes are an oasis within an oasis, good food, responsibly sourced in the heart of nature!”

How can you get involved? Here are a few of our current volunteering opportunites, click the links to find out more.....

Cafe Assistant, Leighton Moss reserve in the North of England

Shop/Retail Assistant - Conwy reserve in Wales

Catering assistant – Riverside Café, Rainham Marshes reserve in the South of England

Café Volunteer - Pulborough Brooks reserve in the South of England

Catering assistant, Titchwell reserve in the East of England

Cafe Assistant, South Stack reserve in Wales

Not found what you are looking for then visit our full list of volunteering opportunities that are updated daily.

No matter what you think you are, you are always and in all ways so much more!