Love Nature Week is on the horizon - the fundraising event is only one month away! Volunteers could find themselves as a tiger, monkey or even a bumblebee...

Yesterday morning an exciting package arrived at the RSPB’s Midlands office in Banbury. It contained two furry new costumes – a tiger and a monkey. Staff (being nature lovers) couldn’t help but try it on…

These costumes are for the forthcoming Love Nature Week bucket collections and also, more topically, the Together for Trees collection in September. Together for Trees  is all about raising money for the rainforest – hence monkey and tiger.

Now, if you are one of the 300 volunteers who’s already signed up for a collection the you might also be thinking about costumes. With the addition of an extra RSPB bucket you  could add a hump to a pantomime horse to make a pantomime camel. Although camels aren’t exactly the first species that springs to mind when thinking of the RSPB’s conservation work…

Anyone reading the news this week will know that there’s currently a project underway to bring short-haired bumblebees back to the UK. So we reckon that any young kids could don a homemade bumblebee costume for Love Nature Week. It can be carefully crafted from a couple of spare collecting buckets.


What do you think?

If you haven’t already signed up for Love Nature Week – do it now! Love Nature Week is the RSPB’s biggest annual fundraising event. This year is takes place from 26 May to 3 June. Find out more here:

In honour of the RSPB’s Big Yellow Fundraising Buckets, I’m writing a list of 101 Things to Do with a Bucket and I want your suggestions. Share them by posting a comment or Twittter #101buckets . Tweet me directly @RSPBMidlands