Ede and George are a couple that have been volunteering at Rainham Marshes together for about four years. They help look after the gardens and in the cafe too. They have a combined age of 172!

My wife and myself regard the Rainham Marshes as an oasis, an oasis of calm in this frantic material electronic world we live in.

 It starts when you walk into the cafe and survey the options before you. Then, on the one hand you have the Thames where you can see the cargo boats going up stream to disgorge their cargo of new cars and if you are lucky you will see the three masted tall ships heading to London to take part in the various regattas that take place.

In addition to this, there is also a great variety of wild life to see and on the far bank when the tide is out there is a vast expanse of mud where you can see the seals basking.

Looking out the other side you see the reserve stretched before you, with the various scrapes dug out to accommodate the different wading birds and the walks and four hides all with a different aspect and an area of interest.

One hide has regular displays of photography and art work and further along is the hide where you might be lucky enough to see the kingfisher bringing food for it's brood.

But if you don't, there is always the friendly atmosphere of the cafe and a selection of goodies to look forward to.

An elderly woman once said to us that she 'lives alone in a third floor flat end enjoyed walking around amongst the greenery and the wildlife and whether walking or in the cafe there is always somebody to talk to'

So it's not only about birds, it's also about people and long may it prosper.

Ede and George.