This week I’ve been busy counting. Counting volunteers, counting down days, and counting raindrops.

Another thing I’m counting quickly at the moment is the seconds spent in the shower. Now that the infamous drought it upon us, folks in the south of England have been advised by water companies to limit ourselves to only 4 minutes of shampooing and conditioning.

I think that 2 RSPB buckets could easily help me count by being transformed into a stylish makeshift hourglass timer. Depending of the size of the hole and amount of sand in your buckets you can use it to either count down the seconds you have left in the shower, or the hours left until Love Nature Week begins.


Ironically, of course, we could have a much longer shower if we just stood out in the back garden. Some of the heavy rain we’ve had recently is most definitely more of a ‘power shower’ than my feeble drip that I have in my bathroom. Although the neighbours might be a little shocked to see me scrubbing away with loafer and soap in the garden.

Meanwhile, the volunteer count for Love Nature Week now stands at just over 400 – with many more to find to reach 700 volunteers! With just over 2 weeks to go there is still time for you to sign up for a collection but you’ll have to be quick. To find out more and to sign up, please visit our webpage

2012 is the RSPB’s ‘Year of the Bucket’. In honour of the RSPB’s Big Yellow Fundraising Buckets, I’m writing a list of 101 Things to Do with a Bucket and I want your suggestions. Share them by posting a comment or Twittter #101buckets . Tweet me directly @RSPBMidlands