Time for part two of our Hazeley Heath Spotlight and here Emily Clark tells us why she loves being involved with the very beginning of Hazeley Heath’s story...

"Following my work in community fundraising in the South East Regional Office for the past two years, I took on the role as Volunteer Coordinator Intern at Hazeley Heath at the beginning of February. I landed upon this role by chance as I was looking to expand my skills in coordinating volunteers in order to develop a career and Hazeley was in need of some extra support so a perfect match!

Hazeley Heath is one of the less well known and more recently acquired RSPB reserves. I think that’s why it’s a great place to volunteer. It’s right at the start of it’s restoration back to a healthy heathland. This means it’s a chance to see it from the beginning and to be a key part of building the reserve to what it should be. This have given me an opportunity to make the role (within reason!) what I want it to be as I am the first person to be Hazeley Heath’s volunteer coordinator.

I have been a volunteer for several different organisations and every one of those roles has taught me something and/or allowed me to then take on a new challenge. Volunteering is becoming increasingly flexible and is for everyone - whether you are looking to develop skills to start your career, or you are already in a career but would like to try something new that fits in around your lifestyle. Maybe you are in retirement but still want to be part of something where your skills and knowledge can make a contribution and are appreciated.

So, if you are looking for a challenge, on a reserve where everything you do will make a huge impact, as well as being part of the beginning of Hazeley Heath’s story then get in touch and find out how you can take part. From helping with events and spreading the word, to getting stuck in with hands on conservation work as a work party volunteer or how about surveying the wildlife  found on Hazeley Heath? There are plenty of roles to get involved with so please get in touch with me to find out more on emily.clark@rspb.org.uk."

Want to Volunteer? Ask me!

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