If you would like to be part of our local volunteer fundraising teams, we have activities that you can do all year round, or for just two hours once a year.

If you'd like to go one step further and get your adrenaline rush while fundraising for us, how about a bungee jump, skydiving, or abseiling?

Pulse-quickening activities are great ways to raise awareness of nature and our work - and great ways to raise sponsorship funds. If you've got the nerve to do it, we can give you all the support you need!

Back down to earth, if you can give just two hours of your time, you could join hundreds of other supporters in our Save Nature collections.

Want to know more then visit our web page here for lots of ideas and inspiration.

Here is an insight into how you can get involved.


Stepping over the edge for the RSPB – Abseil

 Back on a balmy September afternoon during 2012 a group of 7 intrepid adventurers steeled their nerves to get a bird’s eye view of Belfast as they descended 130ft from the city’s iconic Europa Hotel. 

Spurred on by their cheering friends and families the fundraisers conquered their fears to feel the adrenaline rush of stepping over the edge for nature.  The group raised over £700 between them and became the first ever RSPB abseilers in Northern Ireland.  Well done for such a fantastic effort team! 

Relay Teams run the 2013 Deep River Rock Belfast City Marathon       

Two teams will be stepping up (and out) to raise vital funds for the RSPB this May Day in the Deep River Rock Belfast City Marathon. 

‘Birds Aloud’ team member Judith explains why she’s running for the RSPB: “This world is the only one we’ve got and we have to look after it.  The unique thing about nature is that it connects everyone together, regardless of what they have or have not. We wanted to run in the marathon and realised we were stronger as a team running a leg each rather than as individuals running the whole thing alone so we decided to join together and raise as much as we can for the RSPB.  We’ve each set ourselves a personal fundraising target of £100. 

All the money we raise will make a difference to the wildlife on our doorstep.  Look out for our RSPB vests along the route on 6 May and be sure to give us a wave as we tackle each leg of the marathon course!”

Mersehead Sponsored Walk

 18 walkers put a spring in their step on Saturday 16th of March when they took part in the RSPB ‘Boots and Barnacles’ sponsored walks held at Mersehead Nature Reserve in Dumfries & Galloway.

The walks went round the Coastal Trail with views across the Solway and had special access on the day to parts of the reserve not normally open for the public. During the sponsored walks, participants discovered the conservation efforts taking place on the reserve through various activities at checkpoints along the route.  One example was the beach art, displayed in this picture. 

The event raised almost £1000 that will be used to help continue the conservation work at Mersehead Reserve.

‘Boots and Barnacles’ was kindly supported by the Scottish Government, National Science and Engineering week and the British Science Association.

The event will be taking place again in March 2014, watch this space for more details nearer the time.

In the meantime why not take part in the sponsored event taking place at Baron’s Haugh Reserve, near Motherwell in June 2013. 

No matter what you think you are, you are always and in all ways so much more!