Building a pondWhat do you think about when you think of The RSPB? Reserves? Conservation? Birds? Nature?

What about buildings and signage? machines? cars?  Building an access ramp

Its easy to think about volunteering in terms of practical conservation, surveying, showing people wildlife and fundraising. But what about the fantastic contribution that volunteers make behind the scenes to help The RSPB do more for nature? Builders, carpenters, handymen and women who keep reserves ticking over so that every time you visit your favourite local reserve everything is running smoothly and looking great.

Reserves need handy volunteers to help assist with everything from machine maintenance and repairs to building, painting and maintaining buildings as well as signage and car maintenance. So you see it’s not just about birds!

If you know your Continuous band saw from your scroll saw or are good with a hammer and nails, have electrical, plumbing, building or carpentry skills then why not offer your handy skills to your local reserve?

Have a look at some of our current roles:

 Building a stone wallIf you are a handy volunteer to have around – we look forward to hearing from you soon.


Want to Volunteer? Ask me!