A volunteer’s tale!

My name is Rosie, and for some years

I’ve been one of Titchwell’s volunteers.

Titchwell Reserve which is the toast

Of Birders to the Norfolk coast.


So visit us, do come and see

us ladies in the servery.

We’re all a very friendly bunch,

Sit down, relax, enjoy your lunch,

or Tea; a scone (homemade) with jam and cream.

But maybe not a dieter’s dream!


Our customers,  a smashing crew,

some days a flood, some days a few,

and all with differing tales to tell

of just how much they like Tichwell.


Now all was well, ‘till one fine day

waddled in, to our dismay

a duck!  And here I must confess

it made a flippin’ awful mess.


“The duck must go,” there came a shout

“It cannot pay, we’ll throw it out.”

We ran around and got quite giddy.

What made it worse, the floor was skiddy!


It ran at last under a table,

“Grab it now while we are able.”

It must have been a sight to see

a duck ejected from the  servery.

I have to tell you there  was  more,

We  had to mop and wash the floor.


An interesting place, you must agree

at Titchwell, in the  servery.

So Thursdays where am I like to be?

Well, Titchwell, in the servery.


Written by Rosie Evison, Catering assistant, Titchwell

No matter what you think you are, you are always and in all ways so much more!