Tell Chris Huhne 'Don't rip up the climate rulebook'.

Right now, climate change minister Chris Huhne is preparing to attend world climate talks in South Africa. That means it’s a crunch moment on climate change for the government that promised to be the ‘greenest ever’.

Please take a minute to send Chris Huhne an email to help him realise how important it is to commit the UK to International climate rules.

I'd also love to know what worries you most about climate change so please do drop me a note below.

Thanks everyone!


  • A short follow up from me. I posted the same question on twitter this morning and got the following replies...

    what worries me is how few people seem worried...

    wind farms.

    That people still think it's not happening. That the reforms are too slow.

    That Durban will be another Copenhagen - when will they realise we were running out of time then?

    #climate change worry is power of global businesses to control govts, rubbish scientific evidence, put #profitbeforeplanet

    Long-term: Increased loss of Arctic sea ice Short-term: effect on British seabird colonies Also: Food/water security globally

    Do any of these sentiments ring true for you?


  • Would have to agree with a few of the points from Emily above...

    The fact that very few organisations and individuals are concerned about climate change, and those that believe it is an issue put it on the backbirner or as low priority.

    There is not enough tough legislation to tackle climate change and its causes.
