Can filmmaking can save the world?


My name is Rowan and I'm a short film-maker.

First and foremost, I'd better admit, I AM promoting a film that I am making. But moreover I think there is a debate to be had about the purpose and potential of independent narrative film to explore human and environmental issues.

About six months ago I wrote a story about a boy walking home from school through a hayfield. He stumbles across a dead crow, with twine around its neck. The boy is overcome with pity, and decides that he must find a way to set the creature free. But he is watched by a less than empathetic girl (who may have been the perpetrator). Unwittingly cruel, she decides to toy with him and the bird. The consequences of both their actions, his naivety and her apathy, are nearly devastating. 

This is perhaps a familiar fable, and very familiar to me. I was appalled at the abject cruelty and thoughtlessness of some other children as I grew up, and simply couldn't understand their motives. Adapting this story into a script and making a short film is both a kind of catharthis, and an sensitive exploration of what causes different attitudes to animals and wild creatures. And in offering the potential that these attitudes can be changed, I hope the film will be inspirational to young people and adults alike, and encourage respect and understanding of other living creatures.

I know that all too often, short narrative films are made to be 'adverts' for the filmmakers or made to be/look 'cool', and often have no underlying ideas - which sadly and unnecessarily sets them apart from documentary films. This may have contributed to the lack of funding or finance available to short narrative filmmakers. But independent film is in the perfect media to overcome stereotypes and cliches, to make something a little different - that will make others think differently. The genre of short film (usually 5-20 minutes) is reasonably affordable for the filmmakers to raise the budget themselves. The length is perfect to explore thought-provoking ideas through a microcosm of a moment in time. Film is one of the most democratic forms of art, and can be understood and interpreted by everyone.

In my opinion, short film needs funding. Not to promote the career of a director or a cinematographer, or promote the funding body, or to make money. But to encourage the making of a kind of art that engages everyone and can really make a difference to the world... DISCUSS!

Our film 'Bird'  is due to be filmed in three weeks, on location in the Scottish Borders. If you are interested please visit to read more about the project. Thank you!

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