I hope you’ve had a lovely Christmas and are looking forward to the New Year. There’s a lot going on in 2013 on the RSPB campaigning front. The first half of 2013 sees us campaigning on vital areas including the Energy Bill, CAP reform and our Safeguard our Sealife Campaign to name a few (more to come on these next year).

But its Christmas, or actually its that period of Christmas limbo after the big day itself but before January 1st when you’ve eaten too much turkey afternoon naps have become compulsory and that festive jumper that was fun before Christmas now seems a bit too Christmassy to be wearing on December 28th. Its time to think about the New Year.

 So whilst sitting on the sofa (I’m not suggesting this need be energetic - get a cup of tea and another chocolate out of the tin) have a think about what your new year’s resolution may be for 2013, if you’ve not done so already how about registering to become an RSPB Campaigner?

The Campaigns team here hope to add to our ever growing network of volunteer Campaigners, as our Campaign Champions and Champion Activists can really make a difference to some vital campaigns coming up in 2013! Visit the webpage here to find out more about the roles.

So far we have Champions registered in 150 constituencies and Activists registered in 64. The UK is divided into 650 parliamentary constituencies and our goal is to eventually have at least one Campaigner in each constituency for effective local campaigning. The ultimate aim being building networks of RSPB campaigners in important areas, as together our voice is much louder!

My Resolution...Being a Campaign Champion Activist myself, one thing I’d like to tick off my list is a face to face meeting with my MP. It’s something I haven’t had time to do this year but will definitely make time to do next year.


Is your resolution to step up for nature this year? If so let us know how! If you have any comments, photos or thoughts you want to share, please put them out there and let’s get some discussions going! Sharing ideas is a really useful way of passing on information and it gives you a chance to interact with like-minded people and make some new friends.

By Lauren, RSPB Parliamentary Campaigns Intern  Photo:Andy Hay (rspb-images.com)

  • I am very positive about this year. Not only am I getting married but I'm also running the Brighton Marathon in April. People who know me will know that this is quite frankly hilarious and I'm pretty sure at some point late last year I lost my mind, but hey it is for a fantastic cause!

    This year is also set to be a very busy campaigning year and I also promise to go and visit my MP. She is called Kate Hoey from the Vauxhall constituency in London. She is very good at responding to emails and letters but it will be interesting to meet her to find out where she really stands on key environmental issues. She has quite an interesting past as a high jumper and was one of a handful of Labour MPs that voted against the ban on fox hunting with dogs. Watch this space for an update about what happened when I finally meet her.

    Here's to 2013! Happy Campaigning!!


    Step up for Nature today and Campaign with us! Please click here for more information