On 18 June members of our campaigns team hosted an election special webinar designed to help you speak up for nature during the General Election. The recording is now available to watch!

A UK General Election will take place on 4 July, and it’s a crucial one for nature. The UK Government has made legal commitments to halt the loss of wildlife and protect 30% of our lands and seas by 2030. That means this must happen in the next Parliament. The people we choose to sit in the halls of power will ultimately decide if it does or not. In short, this matters.

This General Election we can all play a part in making sure our candidates know that nature can’t wait any longer. It has to be now. If we all seize the moment and enough of us speak up, we can put pressure on politicians of all parties to make sure the commitments to restore and revive our natural world become a reality. This would be a massive win for nature, and for us.

In this webinar find out more about why ‘Nature can’t wait,’ what the RSPB wants to see parties commit to, and what you can do during the run up to the election.

During the webinar we shared a few links that may be useful, please find these below:

  • The RSPBs Nature Can’t Wait hub - for all information including our toolkit, and details of local hustings.
  • A quick and easy action to help you email local candidates.
  • A blog where you can find out more about devolution and how the UK General Election matters for nature in Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland

If you have five minutes, please take part in our action and email your local parliamentary candidates to ask them to commit to prioritising action to halt and reverse nature's decline if they are elected. 

And if you’re not already an RSPB campaigner, please consider signing up.