The days are getting longer and the first signs of spring are starting to appear, birds and wildlife are stirring and hundreds of thousands of people across the UK are preparing for the world’s biggest wildlife survey. The RSPB’s Big Garden Birdwatch; where we ask people to spend 1 hour watching and recording the birds in their garden or local park; is taking place on the weekend of 28 & 29 January 2012.  

In 2011 over 600,000 people took part. We hope with your help to make 2012 the biggest one ever. Please take part yourselves, and if you can please help us spread the word by taking a few of the suggested actions before, during and after The Big Garden Birdwatch: 


  • Pre-register for 2012 –Please encourage your friends and family to Pre-register for Big Garden Birdwatch to make submitting the bird results in January quicker and easier. 
  • Change your Twitter or facebook picture to a special Big Garden Birdwatch avatar. 
  • Start Tweeting and using the hashtag  #birdwatch 

e.g ‘I’m taking part in the RSPBs Big Garden Birdwatch because..I want to help save nature #birdwatch 

  • Start getting your garden as bird friendly as possible and encourage others to do the same by visiting our Homes for Wildlife webpage 
  • Encourage your local school to take part in the Big Schools Birdwatch 
  • Write to you local Newspaper letter section to let them know you are taking part 


  • Twitter: I’m a part of the World’s biggest Wildlife Survey – The Big Garden Birdwatch is happening now #birdwatch 
  • Call your local radio station and tell them about the Big Garden Birdwatch and why you are taking part.
  • Go along and/or encourage other to attend a Big Garden Birdwatch Event near you 


  • Envourage everyone to submit their results online as soon as possible (this is the most cost effective method for the RSPB)

Tweet: I’ve just submitted my Big Garden #Birdwatch results online, you can too here...... (NOTE: survey form opens on 28 Jan 2012) 

  • Write a short summary of the what you did and saw on the day itself and why you think the Big Garden Birdwatch is important, submit it to the Nature’s Heroes Forum 

And that’s it. If you can help us with just a few of these activities you will be making a huge difference towards this being the biggest Big Garden Birdwatch ever. Happy birdwatching! 

Martin Abrams

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