Those of you who follow the bird of prey online community will no doubt have picked up news of Hen Harrier Day, this Sunday 10 August, and we thought that those of you who haven't yet heard about it might be keen to find out what you can do to support it.

Hen Harrier Day is a day of awareness-raising and peaceful protest against the continued illegal persecution of birds of prey, in particular the many hundreds of ‘missing’ pairs of hen harriers peer-reviewed research suggests our upland landscapes could and should support were it not for this persecution. It’s organised by Birders Against Wildlife Crime and former RSPB Conservation Director Mark Avery, with the support and backing of several other wildlife groups, of whom the RSPB is of course one.

So what can you do?

  1. Attend a Hen Harrier Day event
    You can find details of the Hen Harrier Day events on the Birders Against Wildlife Crime website (scroll down the page for details)

    But if you can’t make it to a Hen Harrier Day event, you can still become part of the action without even having to leave your home.

  2. Post your ‘We’re Missing our Hen Harriers’ selfie 
    Post a selfie with BAWC’s ‘We’re Missing our Hen Harriers’ poster

  3. Join the Thunderclap
    Help us make a big noise on social media by joining the Hen Harrier Day Thunderclap – join the thousands of people posting simultaneously about our missing hen harriers

  4. Pimp your Facebook and Twitter with the Hen Harrier Day Twibbon
    Click here and download your Hen Harrier Twibbon (an electronic ‘badge’ to use on your social media profile)

  5. Help get #HenHarrierDay trending
    If you’d like to show your support on Twitter please use the hashtag #HenHarrierDay when promoting or discussing Hen Harrier Day

  6. Wear a Hen Harrier Day T-shirt
    Be the envy of your friends with a Hen Harrier Day T-shirt, available to order here.

Hope you can join us!

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