If you have been following Chris Packham’s endeavours in Malta to highlight the illegal spring hunting taking place you will have seen that migrant birds, in particular, illustrate the interconnectedness of our planet and that nature knows no borders. Chris has raised considerable awareness of the plight of many of our iconic species such as turtle doves, cuckoos, swallows and many birds of prey as they return to the UK for the summer. Following the upcoming European elections we will be working closely with the new Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) to end spring hunting as soon as possible.
Much of our current environmental legislation emanates from the European Union including the Birds Directive and Habitats Directive, established in 1979 and 1992 respectively. They were designed not only to conserve European wildlife but also to prevent any one country gaining an unfair competitive advantage by damaging the environment. One of the key challenges will be making sure that the excellent nature legislation we have is safeguarded and, importantly, enforced across Europe.
If elected, MEPs will be uniquely placed to address cross-border issues like the conservation of migratory species. Our partners at Birdlife Europe have set out a clear vision for how the new European Parliament can tackle the big environmental challenges we face.
You can help by contacting your MEP candidates and sharing this vision with them. Take this opportunity to tell them why the environment is important to you and ask them to give nature a home.
Tell your MEP candidates what you want them to do for the environment in Europe
The MEPs who take office in 2014 will have a vitally important role in deciding whether or not the environment and nature remain a key priority. Let’s ensure they do.