If you can spare a few hours to help, we are always grateful for volunteers!

We offer plenty of practical conservation roles, but you will find a huge range of RSPB volunteering opportunities to choose from.

By volunteering with us you could gain more than just a good feeling, you can learn a whole new skill set. Try your hand at catering, retail and even education!

Below are a few of the upcoming opportunities in the South East -

Conservation work parties -

We're looking for enthusiastic volunteers to join our conservation work parties, to help with vital habitat management and conservation work at our Tudeley Wood and Dungeness reserves in Kent, and Fore Wood reserve in East Sussex. Tasks include scrub clearance, coppicing, litter picking and trail and hide maintenance.

Learn to become a Learning Assistant

Our Volunteer Learning Assistants help children discover nature during our environmental education sessions. We are looking for people with a passion for wildlife to help us deliver our schools on reserves programme at Pagham Harbour and Medmerry. Join us for a Taster Day on Thursday 16 February, 10am-3pm at Pagham Habour. Contact Lucy Tozer: 01798 875851 or lucy.tozer@rspb.org.uk

Check out our website for lots of other exciting ways to get involved this year, including corporate away days if you want to see your colleagues to rise to the challenge!