Picture the scene. A family of five squelching through muddy fields alongside the banks of the River Lugg in Herefordshire. There's blue sky, sunshine, low temperatures and snow dusting the ground. Wrapped up warm and with cold wellies we're constantly encouraging our youngest to walk just a wee bit further (another two miles to be precise, but don't tell her).New born lambs in a Herefordshire field

Then we spot a huddle of three sheep... they've separated from the main flock. To the surprise and amazement of us all.. we witness three baby lambs being born (see left).

The cold temperatures are forgotten as we stand and stare and grin as each lamb kicks their legs in the air and their mothers lick them clean. It was a privelidge to witness. I grew-up with a farm as my playground, but my daughters are very much urban creatures and you won't get to see a lamb born as you wander the streets of London. Our youngest finished the walk by the way.

It's moments like these that force you to look at nature. It happens in London too.Keith Dunning took this image from his London Office window, no one's looking, you can go "ahhh". Like the office workers who became addicted to watching the kestrels nest in the tree outside their third floor window (pictured right). They witnessed the eggs being laid, hatch and the subsequent care and attention showered on the chicks by the parents. Another "moment" interrupted a smooching couple sitting on the grass outside the Tate Modern. A peregrine swooped down and snatched a pigeon for lunch. Another species that gets people's attention is the ring-necked parakeet. Not a native, but being bright lime green and having a loud squawk, they make you look around to see what else might be perched in the trees.

We have some events coming up to show herons and other birds in Battersea and Regent's Parks. These Dates with Nature are an opportunity to find out more about London's birds and other non-human residents.

All this sounds sweet and fluffy.. but we work hard to ensure wildlife is looked after and accessible to all. We've been giving evidence to a Judicial Review at the Royal Courts this week against the Government decision favouring a third runway at Heathrow. They gave approval after consultation, but the approval was different to the proposal they'd originally consulted on. The RSPB opposes it on the grounds that it contradicts their self-imposed restrictions on emissions, completely at odds with their own legally binding action plan addressing climate change. Let's not forget the far from insignificant loss of a whole community and the wildlife and habitats that exist on the land required for a third runway.

A third runway is NOT a good investment in our collective future. Investing in high speed rail links would be far better and would spread wealth beyond London, whilst also reducing pollution and improving public access to Englands green and rolling hills and valleys where you too could watch lambs tasting the air for the first time. Help us achieve this by signing our Letter to the Future.