Here's a little league table that I have:

1) Ireland
2) Marks & Spencer
3) Wales
4) Northern Ireland
5) Scotland

"What does the table mean, and what is M&S doing in amongst a list countries?", you may ask.....  Well, the clue is in the picture.  The table is about charging for single-use plastic bags.  A teensy eensy levy, e.g. just 5p a bag has helped reduce the numbers of these resource-wasting wildlife-killers by up to 90%.  Ireland gets top billing for seeing the light back in 2002.  M&S led the way for the High Street in 2008 (sadly not yet followed by other major retailers).  Wales introduced the levy last year, Northern Ireland has committed to implementing the levy next year, and today - hurrah - I read that Scotland will follow suit

This is fantastic news. 

But what about England?  It appears Westminster is still hoping that voluntary measures will work (despite M&S still being a lone beacon).  Come on Mr Cameron, this is an easy win for what you promised would be "the greenest government ever". 

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