This week is European Shark Week, an annual event devoted to raising awareness about shark conservation.  And a very good cause it is too!  As a keen SCUBA diver, I have been lucky enough to see a good number of sharks.  It is always an exhilarating experience.  Apex predators produce a tingly rush of adrenaline, and monolithic filter-feeders such as basking sharks are just jaw-dropping.

I also know how lucky I am to see them. 

Sharks rank amongst the most endangered species on the planet.   In the UK, 50% of our shark species are listed as endangered, and some species are reported to have declined by a staggering 99%.  And they are not alone - many of our marine species are under significant threat.  For example, kittiwake numbers have crashed, and Balearic shearwaters are critically endangered.

There is no doubt that the marine environment is difficult to manage effectively.  Declines can be invisible, hidden beneath the waves.  It is time consuming and costly to identify the important places such as feeding and breeding grounds that need protecting.  Ocean wanderers cover vast areas, straying into regions where they are unprotected.  We urgently need a network of well-managed Marine Protected Areas to provide respite for all marine wildlife.  Help us help all marine wildlife - donate if you can, and sign our pledge.

Photo: Basking shark by Ben Slater (