When I was at school we were always collecting stamps for some cause or other, but as time moved on it seemed to fall out of favour, and was replaced by sponsored activities.  Today, with the Royal Mail launching the last set in their series of 'Post and Go' bird stamps, I thought it was a good time to remind people that we still need your stamps for our Save the Albatross campaign.  The simple act of sending us your used stamps has consistently raised over £15,000 a year for the vital work of the Albatross Task Force.

The new Post and Go stamps feature coastal birds.  I think my favourite is the puffin, but they all will brighten up someone's day from the time the envelope lands on the mat.

You can get them from ‘Post & Go’ machines, which are found in some main post offices, or order them online here.

So don't forget that stamps have more than the face value - they can make someone smile and save an albatross.  Now that can't be bad....