We want to thank wonderful Pembrokeshire artist Rhian Field for stepping up for sealife by signing the
RSPB's marine petition.

Rhian's love for the sea and marine life is captured in her work
'Deepwater' - with Rhian's kind permission I can share two stunning examples of her work here:


Gannettack, Rhian Field

Right of Way, Rhian Field

Rhian explains: "Not only would I like the paintings to inspire through
the beauty of the animals, plantlife, colours and light, there is a very
serious underlying message too - it is that we need take a humble view
of the vulnerability of marine life and be mindful of our role in its
survival, especially if we are to enjoy its beauty for generations to

Our marine life, above and below the waves, is disappearing under
increasing pressure from human activities, and Marine Protecetd Areas ensure that we can
manage our precious seas in a sustainable way. Pembrokeshire represents
internationally important seabird colonies, notably breeding Manx
shearwaters, gannets, kittiwakes and auks (guillemots, puffins and

As things stand there is a real risk that seabirds, and other mobile marine
wildlife, will remain unprotected.

There's still time to show your support for the campaign, so if you
haven't already I hope Rhian's art work inspires you to sign the
petition yourself. 
Visit our website for more ideas on how you can step up for nature.

Rhian's current exhibition will be on show until the end of January at
the Pembrokeshire National Parks Offices in Llanion Park Pembroke Dock,
SA72 6DY - or visit her website to see her wonderful work and for more information.