This morning Richard Benyon, Minister for the Natural Environment and Fisheries, has been facing an audience of sealife champions, who have asked him some searching questions about the Government's plans to protect our precious marine environment.  It was streamed live on, but if you missed it, check back next week to see a short film of the highlights.

So what did we think of the Minister's responses? 

  1. We remain disappointed that the Government will miss the internationally agreed target of 2012 to implement the much needed network of MPAs, and we will continue to urge the Minister to revert to the original agreement to designate MPAs based on the best available data.
  2. We were however pleased that the Minister confirmed that at least 20% of the marine environment will be designated, including both inshore and offshore waters, in an ecologically coherent manner, using the range of legislation available.
  3. We know the Minister's job is not easy – budgets are incredibly tight and there will be enormous pressure from the fishing industry, who are understandably concerned about their livelihoods.  But our fish stocks are dwindling, so fish and fishermen need an ecologically coherent network of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) just as much as seabirds and sharks.  So we must succeeed, to ensure healthy seas for all. 
  4. Many people spontaneously commented that the Minister showed genuine enthusiasm for delivering a sustainable marine environenment for all, and we are encouraged by his passion.

We can all help the Minister - the RSPB's marine experts are helping gather the data to prove where MPAs are needed, and all of you, by signing our marine pledge, are helping the Minster show those that oppose MPAs that there is a real case to answer.

Today is also a celebration.  This month marks the second anniversary of the Marine Act.  After years of you campaigning with us, we finally have the laws in place. This means DEFRA can now step up and do what is needed.  So, to help fire up the Minsiter's enthusiasm, we have presented him with this fabulous image of a common tern, created with the names of some of the 50,000 of you who have stepped up for sealife, and signed our marine pledge.  We hope he hangs the picture on his office wall to remind him that our marine wildlife is depending on him.....

The whole event was rounded off with probably the most impressive cake I will ever see – and the yummiest!  A basking shark of the lightest sponge, fresh cream and fresh raspberries, encased in white chocolate painted silver, floating on a blue sea.  It was a true masterpiece.  My worst moment of the day was having to cut it at all....  Many thanks to David of David Leslie Cakes for all his hard work on this utterly fabulous creation.  Check out his website to see more of his amazing work. 

Look at the detail in the shark's mouth!